chaos is always lurking in the corner.

•February 3, 2009 • 1 Comment

So I’ve had a pretty normal week. Everything was going great.
I finally got a healthy amount of sleep.
I finally decided to take the SATs in March.
I finally went ice-skating after planning for two years.
I finally did the laundry.
And it was just a pretty average week.

I just hate how that just spiralled down when I came home from SAT prep on Sunday.

I opened my inbox, only to find that a classmate from my school had died from a hit and run accident.
I honestly could not believe it. And it’s really strange, considering I never knew him as a friend. I just remember seeing him every morning on the train. And even then, I always noticed how he was always laughing. It’s honestly heartbreaking. But it seems as if only the good die young. It’s unfair.

It really does have an impact when you keep seeing someone everyday like any other person only to find out that he’s passed away.

Some things are just so terrible that it’s hard to believe that they happen.

A life could end just like that.
Regardless of whose life that was.
There’s no justice in that.

creativity lapse in the works

•January 29, 2009 • 1 Comment

So I’ve been home the whole week.
And totally not doing any work.
And seriously wasting the day doing absolutely nothing.
This is bad.

I’ve been listening to a lot of indie music and I can’t help but be attracted to musicians whom others have never heard of. Mainstream music is so…mainstream. Everyone listens to it. But when you listen to songs that others have never heard of, there’s a certain significance. It’s as if you hold a secret that no one else knows about.

The worst part would be that the so-called secret gets revealed. Even though its good for the musicians–they’re finally getting the publicity and money that they deserve–it also feels like I’m being betrayed. I don’t like to share. But anyway, I have some pretty good musicians in mind that I’ll share.
1. Vampire Weekend. I love their music. Cool lyrics and unique beat. There’s like classical music mixed in with an alternative sound. Really cool.
2. Rogue Wave. They’re really catchy. Really cool. Really indie.
3. Band of Horses. They have a very ethereal sort of sound.
4. We are Scientists. I like them. That’s all.
And of course, I listen to so much classic rock that I can’t possibly list everyone here.
The story is that music is brilliant. I thank whoever came up with this concept. Because music makes the world a happier place to live in.

Another thing.
I’ve become a shopaholic.
I think this may contribute to the fact that I know I have a couple debit cards, gift cards, and hard cash lying around in my room. I don’t like to be shallow and superficial but it seems as if I can’t help it.

And another thing.
What’s going on with America nowadays? Stupid is the new cool, huh?

where’s the finishing line?

•January 24, 2009 • 1 Comment

Finals are over. At last. I’m pretty happy that it’s over with (for now). I could lay back for a while and actually breathe. But, somehow, I’ve gotten sick while studying (stress, maybe?) and now I have a fever that’s driving me crazy. That’s what schools do. They make you INSANE.

I need to watch a really good movie or read a really good book. Either one. I actually watched some amazing movies around last month.

1. Slumdog Millionaire. I was absolutely blown away with this movie. And the best part is, that it wasn’t a typical Hindi movie. It’s actually an English movie that has a setting in a horrendous slum in Mumbai. And a kid, who’s lived in the slums for most of his life, somehow ends up in Who Wants To Be a Millionaire. The interesting part is that each question that was asked of him corresponded to several events in his life. It was just amazing. It has some serious power because it really aroused all these emotions in me.
2. Seven Pounds. This movie will not be understood unless you pay full attention to it. Will Smith was absolutely awesome. And that’s pretty cool, because this isn’t even his usual type of movie. In this movie, the events were almost playing backwards. It’s like the ending was playing the beginning and the prelude was at the night. Which is exactly why it may seem puzzling at first. But, every minute of it kept me interested. Wonderful movie.
3. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Needless to say, this movie was very interesting and unique. The story was written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, who wrote one of my favorite books, The Great Gatsby. It’s about a man who was born old and gets younger every year. Just the concept itself is brilliant. It’s quite sad at times, but I’m learning that sad movies are usually the best kind.

I really love movies that leave a great impression. The ones I listed, I don’t think I’ll ever forget. Those are usually the best kinds. Movies that leave you speechless.


•January 17, 2009 • 1 Comment

This is Tashnuva, happy to be hereā€¦